Our Goal
Alamance County Community Services Agency, Inc. strives to increase our efforts and work for our participants in areas of affordable housing, employment, education, and food nutrition services. To accomplish our goals, ACCSA continues to develop and nurture community partnerships with local stakeholders, businesses, human service providers, churches, as well as civic organizations.
Who We Are
Alamance County Community Action Program was organized in 1965 by the authority of the Alamance County Board of Commissioners. Alamance County Community Services Agency is a registered 501 (c) (3). Its purpose is to plan, develop, implement, and coordinate programs in accordance with the provision of the Economic Opportunity Act of 1964. The Economic Act was the first national commitment to attack poverty by helping the disadvantaged achieve economic independence. Initially, the program was financed through a planning development grant provided jointly by the Office of Economic Opportunity and Alamance County Board of Commissioners. On January 20, 1966, the program become incorporated as ALCAP.
During the early years, the agency operated projects such as The Jobs Corps, Neighborhood Youth Corps, Adult Basic Education, Services to Rural Areas, and Small Business Enterprises. Eventually, additional services came into existence, including the Summer Youth Recreation Program, HUD Comprehensive Counseling Program, Safety for the Elderly and Handicapped Program, Head Start, Rent-A-Kid, Community Food Cooperatives, and the Congregate Nutrition Program.
Currently, the agency operates the Community Service Block Grant Self-Sufficiency Program
and the Emergency Food Assistance Program.